The whole film (with chapter markers)   Running time 58:28

Organized in 3 main sections, as the orthodox introductory textbooks are: the market, firms, macroeconomics –the film presents and deconstructs these central models. Opening with a prologue on nature’s absence in the models, the film concludes with the question; what have we, and these orthodox economists, learned from the past 16 years, the time period of the film, or from the past 40 years of “market rule”?

Chapter Markers
1. prologue no nature 00:00
2. intro 3 graphic models 02:08
3. the market model 03:07
4. model assumptions 04:19
5. labor a commodity 07:48
6. trade and exchange 11:56
7. selfish wish 17:05
8. relations of power 20:19
9. coda on markets 22:49
10. their model of firms 23:42
11. capital opportunity 28:02
12. the political economy 31:37
13. coda on markets + firms 38:16
14. macroeconomics 39:48
15. the value of money 43:46
16. productivity means? 47:51
17. what did we learn? 52:35
18. epilogue (what’s the economy for) 56:10
19. end credits 57:38
ends at 58:28